Birthday in Penang. It's another beautiful sunny day. I get to choose what we do today so it will be a very simple day. Coffee to start, check my email, and then off to Starbucks. We will then walk the coastal boardwalk for a while. After that I plan to work out in the gym here at the hotel. Lunch will be a simple affair at the Coffee Bean and then I plan to walk down to the mall and visit the bookstore. Supper, will be a hamburger/fries/ and a coke. Doesn't get any better.
Yesterday at the art dealer I came across a statue of the four monkeys. Normally you do not see the 4th monkey. The first 3 are common, see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil. They became the 3 chimps, Larry (often referred to erroneously as King Louis because he was always holding court) , Gabe, and Steve. The fourth monkey of course would have been me. The group was known as the BOC and often developed software programs used throughout the Board. One could say, the monkeys were running IT :-)
Here is a pic of my statue (yes I bought it). The 4th monkey is well endowed for some reason. I had best research what he stands for on the net.

The fourth monkey, the one covering his crotch, is usually captioned "Have No Fun", but is actually "Do no evil". You often see the four monkeys as a paper weight in a 'writing set' and it is often labelled 'write no evil'. The 'have no fun' vs 'do no evil' represents the ying/yang forces in oriental philosophy.
Time for Starbucks,
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