Tuesday, May 1, 2012

3rd Last Day in Bangkok

It is hump day in Bangkok and it will be over 100 degrees again today. It has been the hottest month in Bangkok in the last last 12 years, well over 100 degrees each day. I came down with a severe case of dehydration on Sunday night and I am just getting over it. It is recommended that you drink about 8 litres of water a day and I was drinking none. I also went to the gym and sweated out lots. Apparently my liquid intake of beer, red wine, and vodka and red Bull does not count as water. Lesson learned! Dehydration gives you aches and pains everywhere, a fever of about 103F, severe diarrhea, and general lethargy. Not much fun as it really cuts into your social activities.

Two more sleeps and I fly back to Vancouver. I fly out Friday at 1 pm and arrive in Vancouver at 4:30 pm courtesy of the international dateline which gives me back a day. I am really looking forward to some fresh, cool, clean Vancouver air, and not having to shower 3 times a day! I will miss my pool playing buddies, my pub friends, and the staff at ASB.

