Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas

Christmas has come and gone. I had Christmas with friends and family at my sister Ann's condo in downtown Ottawa. It was very pleasant and the food was great as always. The weather also cooperated and it snowed on Christmas Eve so we had a white Christmas.

Boxing day sales were hectic as usual. I went to the Rideau Centre and it was very busy with lineups to get into many stores. I also had lunch with Jordan at a restaurant in the market which is called Fat Boys, and the food was great. I am also seeing Jordan today at 7 pm at the Prescott Hotel. It is great to see him :-)

Today is a programming day for me as I have some updates to work on for the public school board in Ottawa. They are a great client and we try to keep them happy.

It is off to work I go ... ttyl,


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Homeward Bound

It is my last day at work at the American School of Bangkok and I have quite enjoyed the experience. The staff is great and the school has a nice warm feeling to it. John McGrath is of course responsible for all the good things happening there.

I will leave about 11 am today and walk back to teh apartment to pack and I will be in a taxi at 12:30 pm to the airport. I fly out at 3:30 and it is a 2 hour flight to KL with an hour time zone change so I get in at 6:30. I am flying Royal Jordanian Airlines as the price was right ($145 CDN). I will then take the 45 minute taxi back to Subang Jaya where I will meet Jaime for supper and drop off some luggage for storage.

I will sleep one last night in the condo and will be on the road at 6:30 am for airport limo ride to the airport. I am Cathay air to Hong Kong and then Air Canada to Vancouver. I leave on the Saturday morning and arrive at 2:30 Saturday afternoon, courtesy of the International Date line that I cross. I effectively gain the day back I lost going to South East Asia.

I must remember to call my Mother :-)



Monday, December 12, 2011

Still Alive and Kicking :-)

It has been so long since I have posted. I have been very busy in Thailand, working on a 4 week contract at the American School of Bangkok. It has been a lot of fun, both the work, and the social life. The staff is wonderful and Bangkok is as exciting as ever.

I am in my last week of work and I fly back to Malaysia on the 16th for a day, to grab some luggage, store the rest of my luggage with my daughter Jaime, and then head back to Vancouver the next day via Cathay Air (good airline). I fly via Hong Kong.

I will spend a couple of days in Vancouver and then fly back to Ottawa to spend Christmas with my family. I am not sure when I will return back to Vancouver but it is likely the first week in January.

The first item on my agenda when I get back to Vancouver is to get back into the gym and lose the weight I gained in Bangkok. I figure 7 lbs aught to do it :-) There is just too much beer drinking and good food in Bangkok. I was also too busy to hit the gym. Lots of excuses :-)

Bangkok is very pleasant during the dry season which is December to May. Highs of 28 degrees and very dry. Ottawa weather may be a bit of a shock to me.

Here is the link to my flood pics: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/sredir?uname=102711678297509447313&target=ALBUM&id=5680975121885601729&locked=true&authkey=Gv1sRgCMWjpIT3gNDMbg&feat=email

