Saturday, October 3, 2009

Saturday - a busy day

We were up early at 8 am and I cooked up the bacon and eggs for Jaime, Shelagh, and Shelley and they were great. We then ordered up a taxis and headed into KL. The first stop was the Petronas Twin Towers and a tour of the extreme shops (Gucci, Hermes, Prada, etc.) We needed a break and had some lattes and muffins at Starbucks.

We then took a cab to Little India in search of purse knockoffs. Turn out Little India did not have what Jaime was looking for. She did manage to pick up some sunglasses knockoffs. We then jumped in a cab down to China Town and it was knockoff city. Jaime eventually found the quality at the price she was willing to pay. I myself splurged on a Gucci knockoff belt.

We then had a beer and some dinner at an outdoor restaurant in China Town. We then caught a cab to the Pacific Regency hotel. By this time we had met up with Amy and Michel. Amy had convinced us we would really like this bar and she was correct. It was on the top floor and had a terrific view of the city. It was also beside a hug communication tower (like the CN tower). We arrived just in time to see four parachutists jump from the communications tower. Michel, Jaime, and I all had Strawberry Daiquiris which were great. Shelagh had a Pina Colada and Amy a glass of red wine. Shelley opted for something non alcoholic as usual. After 90 minutes we decided to catch a cab back to the condo for a night swim in the pool.

The swim was lots of fun with Shelagh winning all the swimming contests. Turns out she is part fish. We are now back in our apartment chowing back on cinabons and winding down. Jaime and Shelagh leave at 9 am to fly to Thailand for 4 days before heading off to Australia and New Zealand.



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