Jamie and Shelagh arrived last night about 4:45 pm. We had a very quick supper and then waved goodbye to Shelagh as she headed back to Canada via KL, Bangkok, via somewhere in Asia, via Toronto, to her graduation in Kingston. She will be one jet lagged person when she receives her degree.
Jaime is, of course sleeping in this morning as she went to bed about 9 ish last night which was about 12 ish New Zealand time. Tonight we are heading off to Sunway Pyramid for hamburgers and to purchase a blender. We will leave at 5:30 pm as I have extra help classes until then.
It's a beautiful sunny clear day after yesterday's rain. Not a cloud or any sign of pollution to be seen.
Jaime was in a very bubbly ecstatic as she related the tales of her last month's travels. She certainly had a great time. She also tried on her tailor made suit and clothes she had made for her in Vietnam. She looked awesome!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Wet on Wednesday
It started bucketing rain just as our lunch hour approached. Michel and I were not to go hungry so we grabbed our umbrellas and headed out to the Asia cafe to arrive dry on top and wet from the knees down. here I sit with wet shoes and socks as I type.
Jaime should be arriving during the next hour or so. I also talked to Jordan and he is quite busy with his classes, coaching and work. He has an orientation session with Coca Cola tomorrow as he a job as a marketing rep during the Olympics. It also counts towards his leadership class at the university as well.
I just looked outside and it is still raining. This is the first time I have experienced more than 30 minutes of rain since I arrived. It is however, the rainy season so it is to be expected.
The students are starting to scramble as the end of the semester approaches. The ones who have been putting things off are really in trouble. They seem to think you should devote the majority of class time with them at this time. I invited them to my 2 hour after school session on Thursday night. It's funny how the A+ students show up for the extra lab time and the students that need it the most do not.
It was ever that way :-)
Jaime should be arriving during the next hour or so. I also talked to Jordan and he is quite busy with his classes, coaching and work. He has an orientation session with Coca Cola tomorrow as he a job as a marketing rep during the Olympics. It also counts towards his leadership class at the university as well.
I just looked outside and it is still raining. This is the first time I have experienced more than 30 minutes of rain since I arrived. It is however, the rainy season so it is to be expected.
The students are starting to scramble as the end of the semester approaches. The ones who have been putting things off are really in trouble. They seem to think you should devote the majority of class time with them at this time. I invited them to my 2 hour after school session on Thursday night. It's funny how the A+ students show up for the extra lab time and the students that need it the most do not.
It was ever that way :-)
Monday, October 26, 2009
Too long Tuesdays
I am currently keeping the lab open Tuesdays until 5:30 pm. This makes for a very long today. I have a group of 20 students who are evaluating an ePortfolio software package called Lectora. Taylor's is looking at purchasing this software for students to make and take ePortfolios. Some students like it, some do not think they would use it. The jury's still out.
After 5:30 Shelley and I are heading out to Sunway Pyramid for supper and the purchase of a blender. It appears that Shelley tires of peanut butter toast (unlike yours truly) and needs a change in breakfast fare. It will probably be Carls Hamburgers for supper.
Jaime and Shelagh arrive back at 4:30 pm at the condo from New Zealand. Shelagh will grab a shower and eat and then catch a cab back to the airport for her trip back home. Shelagh then attends her graduation (same day as arrival back in Canada) and writes her physiotherapy exam later in November. It is then off to the world of work for one of the world travellers. Oh the joys of a 9-5 workday with 2 weeks freedom a year :-)
We are quite looking forward to having Jaime back with us for 2 months.
After 5:30 Shelley and I are heading out to Sunway Pyramid for supper and the purchase of a blender. It appears that Shelley tires of peanut butter toast (unlike yours truly) and needs a change in breakfast fare. It will probably be Carls Hamburgers for supper.
Jaime and Shelagh arrive back at 4:30 pm at the condo from New Zealand. Shelagh will grab a shower and eat and then catch a cab back to the airport for her trip back home. Shelagh then attends her graduation (same day as arrival back in Canada) and writes her physiotherapy exam later in November. It is then off to the world of work for one of the world travellers. Oh the joys of a 9-5 workday with 2 weeks freedom a year :-)
We are quite looking forward to having Jaime back with us for 2 months.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The Motorcycle Grand Prix
A motorcycle grand prix was not on my bucketlist but it is now and is crossed off. It was awesome. Steve rented a car for the day and off we went at 9:30 am. We bought the cheaper seats at $30 ringgit and they were terrific as they were on a corner where the bikes had to slow down so I was able to get some great pics. Here are some of the pictures dumbed down to 800x600. They are much better in their native resolution. Double click to see them at 800 x 600.

7 times world champion Rossi being chased by his Yamaha teammate.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Saturday and all is Good
Today is Saturday morning and while you good folks in North America are out partying on a Friday night, I am up and about sipping my coffee and eating my peanut butter toast. I plan on this being a 'do nothing' day.
Nothing planned and that is okay. I do have to decide to purchase my tickets for the Motorcycle GP online or simply show up and buy them at the track. Being a guy I am tending to show up at the track and buying them at the last moment. Problem is, I am not sure where I want my tickets located. That and I am not sure who is going. Pinning some guys down is like nailing jelly to a tree or herding cats.
I do plan to do some reading, both for pleasure and for work. My students handing in their journals and I have to read them this weekend. However, it looks like I get a break from technology and programming this weekend as our server seems to be functioning okay.
Nothing planned and that is okay. I do have to decide to purchase my tickets for the Motorcycle GP online or simply show up and buy them at the track. Being a guy I am tending to show up at the track and buying them at the last moment. Problem is, I am not sure where I want my tickets located. That and I am not sure who is going. Pinning some guys down is like nailing jelly to a tree or herding cats.
I do plan to do some reading, both for pleasure and for work. My students handing in their journals and I have to read them this weekend. However, it looks like I get a break from technology and programming this weekend as our server seems to be functioning okay.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
150 Posts
This is my 150th post since I commenced this blog last February (2009). I think I will celebrate with a glass of wine tonight. This morning I am going to ask the students for a volunteer to demonstrate their game project at this moment in time and space. Some of the games are going to be commercial quality. I am hoping one or two students will volunteer. If not I will volunteer them.
I think back to the sorry state of their IT skills, not to mention the complete lack of any programming skills at the start of this semester. They have come a long, long, way. However, I suppose that is not surprising as 85% of them are here at the sponsorship of the government, having been selected from the country at large.
This weekend the boys are off to the races and the women are off to the shopping malls. Therein lies the difference in the species. I can't remember if I have expounded on my theory of why there are no women explorers. Before you bring up Emelia, you can't really count her as she managed to get lost over the Pacific ocean somewhere and ended up missing, never to be found. Anyways my theory is illustrated nicely in the opening sentence. Maybe at some later date, don't want to alienate :-) I am a poet and didn't know it!
So how are the boys in the department back in the Ottawa Catholic School Board (just realized again how long that name is). Is Lisa filling Larry's shoes? Is Larry wearing shoes these days? Is Gabe still obsessing over the little things? Is anybody listening to Gabe? Is Grasshopper still in search of enlightenment? Is Francis still the man with the answers now that he sits at the top of the mountain? Has Doogie actually shown up with his boat or is it still a figment of his imagination? Does Doogie still wear his shirt out? Has Katie Brown trained the new guy and can guys actually survive in the Robodome? Is Gino still enjoying the Monday morning meetings and what is the hot topic of those meeting? Is Hazel gone for good or has she resurfaced in some other role? Is Betty claustrophobic since the renovation and who fetches her lattes now that House has left the building? How many hours does Tom work in a day and how long can he continue to do those hours? Is file management still an issue? What technology has the Board banned lately? Has Gary crashed his bike yet? Does John still talk as much? Has anyone heard from wicked Wensley and has she completed the move up the valley? Will Bob survive solitude with the daily Grills? How is Burke coping with retirement? Is Fox still jumping at the least sound? Does he feel safer with House on the other side of the world? How are the quiet ETI's Liz and Dan? Is Liz Klassen still alive? Is she reading my blog? Is anyone coming to visit other than Brent? Can I call you January 1st from the pool? Why does Larry call me a divergent thinker?
So many questions, so little answers. It was ever that way Grasshopper :-)
I think back to the sorry state of their IT skills, not to mention the complete lack of any programming skills at the start of this semester. They have come a long, long, way. However, I suppose that is not surprising as 85% of them are here at the sponsorship of the government, having been selected from the country at large.
This weekend the boys are off to the races and the women are off to the shopping malls. Therein lies the difference in the species. I can't remember if I have expounded on my theory of why there are no women explorers. Before you bring up Emelia, you can't really count her as she managed to get lost over the Pacific ocean somewhere and ended up missing, never to be found. Anyways my theory is illustrated nicely in the opening sentence. Maybe at some later date, don't want to alienate :-) I am a poet and didn't know it!
So how are the boys in the department back in the Ottawa Catholic School Board (just realized again how long that name is). Is Lisa filling Larry's shoes? Is Larry wearing shoes these days? Is Gabe still obsessing over the little things? Is anybody listening to Gabe? Is Grasshopper still in search of enlightenment? Is Francis still the man with the answers now that he sits at the top of the mountain? Has Doogie actually shown up with his boat or is it still a figment of his imagination? Does Doogie still wear his shirt out? Has Katie Brown trained the new guy and can guys actually survive in the Robodome? Is Gino still enjoying the Monday morning meetings and what is the hot topic of those meeting? Is Hazel gone for good or has she resurfaced in some other role? Is Betty claustrophobic since the renovation and who fetches her lattes now that House has left the building? How many hours does Tom work in a day and how long can he continue to do those hours? Is file management still an issue? What technology has the Board banned lately? Has Gary crashed his bike yet? Does John still talk as much? Has anyone heard from wicked Wensley and has she completed the move up the valley? Will Bob survive solitude with the daily Grills? How is Burke coping with retirement? Is Fox still jumping at the least sound? Does he feel safer with House on the other side of the world? How are the quiet ETI's Liz and Dan? Is Liz Klassen still alive? Is she reading my blog? Is anyone coming to visit other than Brent? Can I call you January 1st from the pool? Why does Larry call me a divergent thinker?
So many questions, so little answers. It was ever that way Grasshopper :-)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Thursday - Sunny as Always
Wouldn't you know it? The McGraths were here on the weekend and we had more rain than we had seen in 20 days. This week it has been sunny all week. My major concern with going to the race track this weekend is getting enough shade.
My server in Toronto has now been switched over to new hardware. I was up quite late last night making sure we were ready to switch over. Hopefully the new server will function for the next couple of years with no hiccups.
Shelley and I started the day off at Starbucks and neither of us seemed anxious to leave the comfy chairs. I guess it is that time of year in teaching when the classes seem quite repetitive. I know the students are quite busy with assignments. So is my son Jordan. I was talking to him this morning and he seems to be feeling the pressure as well. Oh well, one more month and the end is in sight.
One really cool thing about Malaysian students is how they use their cell phones. They will often come up to the whiteboard and snap a photo of a diagram I have just drawn on the board. They then upload it into their notes. In Canada, we ban cell phones in class. They are just another tool here. John McGrath was very impressed with the student use of the libary here at Taylors. It is very hitech and always seems full of students working away.
My server in Toronto has now been switched over to new hardware. I was up quite late last night making sure we were ready to switch over. Hopefully the new server will function for the next couple of years with no hiccups.
Shelley and I started the day off at Starbucks and neither of us seemed anxious to leave the comfy chairs. I guess it is that time of year in teaching when the classes seem quite repetitive. I know the students are quite busy with assignments. So is my son Jordan. I was talking to him this morning and he seems to be feeling the pressure as well. Oh well, one more month and the end is in sight.
One really cool thing about Malaysian students is how they use their cell phones. They will often come up to the whiteboard and snap a photo of a diagram I have just drawn on the board. They then upload it into their notes. In Canada, we ban cell phones in class. They are just another tool here. John McGrath was very impressed with the student use of the libary here at Taylors. It is very hitech and always seems full of students working away.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Wednesday is Test Day = boring
I really do not like test days as they are incredibly boring and seem to last forever. Not only that, but then you have more marking and recording to do as well. Testing also gets in the way of teaching and learning.
It's another sunny day here in Subang Jaya and I am looking forward to attending the Malysian Motorcycle Grand Prix on Sunday. http://www.malaysiangp.com.my/
I also plan to take a trip into KL and check out the great bookstore in the Petronas towers but I will probably wait for Jaime to get here just in case we need to return Shelagh's jacket.
Everyone seems to be going for a massage tonight but I think I will just kick back, have a beer, and do some reading. If the internet is fast tonight I also have some programming to do.
It's another sunny day here in Subang Jaya and I am looking forward to attending the Malysian Motorcycle Grand Prix on Sunday. http://www.malaysiangp.com.my/
I also plan to take a trip into KL and check out the great bookstore in the Petronas towers but I will probably wait for Jaime to get here just in case we need to return Shelagh's jacket.
Everyone seems to be going for a massage tonight but I think I will just kick back, have a beer, and do some reading. If the internet is fast tonight I also have some programming to do.
Tuesday and McGraths Head Home
The McGraths visited us at Taylors this morning at 9:30. We gave them a quick tour and headed off for Starbucks for a latte and a final goodbye. John mentioned the campus had a university/college feel to it and he was right. It's just Shelley and I now until Jaime arrives back on the 28th of October (next Wednesday).
I have a big unit test with my students tomorrow and I have an open lab for studying and questions and at this moment there are 14 boys in here practising for the test tomorrow. They will be here until 5:30 when I shut the lab down. Did I mentioned these kids were committed!
I found the best bookstore ever (Asia/North America) for programming books in the Petronas Towers on the first floor. Who would have thunk it. KL must be a hot bed of programming and/or IT. I will be visiting that store asap!!! Nerd heaven :-)
I will be walking home tonight after the lab open session and I will be stopping by Subway for a 6" sub, probably tuna. Notice I haven't mentioned peanut butter for a while. I just received my suitcase via John, via Jaime, and there were 3 jars of Skippy peanut butter and a bag of oatmeal cookies (Dads) from my mom for my birthday. There was also a very nice card from my mom.
It's beautiful 28 degrees and sunny for my walk back to the condo.
I have a big unit test with my students tomorrow and I have an open lab for studying and questions and at this moment there are 14 boys in here practising for the test tomorrow. They will be here until 5:30 when I shut the lab down. Did I mentioned these kids were committed!
I found the best bookstore ever (Asia/North America) for programming books in the Petronas Towers on the first floor. Who would have thunk it. KL must be a hot bed of programming and/or IT. I will be visiting that store asap!!! Nerd heaven :-)
I will be walking home tonight after the lab open session and I will be stopping by Subway for a 6" sub, probably tuna. Notice I haven't mentioned peanut butter for a while. I just received my suitcase via John, via Jaime, and there were 3 jars of Skippy peanut butter and a bag of oatmeal cookies (Dads) from my mom for my birthday. There was also a very nice card from my mom.
It's beautiful 28 degrees and sunny for my walk back to the condo.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Great Weekend
The McGraths arrived late on Friday evening so we had a little chat, bite to eat, beer and wine, and then off to bed. Saturday we were up (I would be fibbing if I said early) and off to KL where we toured the Petronas towers and shopping centre. We also managed to pick up a leather jacket that Shelagh had wanted to purchase. Hopefully we purchased the correct jacket and size.
We then headed off to China town for some designer clone shopping as well as lunch and a beer (or two or three, did I mention they have quarts here - just like the Prescott). We then caught a cab back to the traders hotel where we sat in the rooftop lounge and had some drinks before catching a cab back home. That is always a full day.
Sunday we were up a little later and the girls caught a cab to Sunway Pyramid for breakfast (Pancake house). John and I walked for the ambiance and arrived in 20 minutes. After breakfast Shelley and Jill shopped for about 3 hours and John, Ciara, and myself headed back home for a brief rest.
Supper was back to Sunway for dinner at the Tar Bush restaurant (Lebanese) and then it was back home for a movie and bed.
In between these activities I had quite a bit of work to do as the drive controller on my server back in Toronto is failing and I had to move my production server to a new machine.
Tonight we plan to take a cab into KL and have dinner at a revolving rooftop restaurant perched upon a CN tower clone. It should be fun. The McGraths are heading off to Putra Jaya, the capitol of Malaysia for a bit of site seeing.
We then headed off to China town for some designer clone shopping as well as lunch and a beer (or two or three, did I mention they have quarts here - just like the Prescott). We then caught a cab back to the traders hotel where we sat in the rooftop lounge and had some drinks before catching a cab back home. That is always a full day.
Sunday we were up a little later and the girls caught a cab to Sunway Pyramid for breakfast (Pancake house). John and I walked for the ambiance and arrived in 20 minutes. After breakfast Shelley and Jill shopped for about 3 hours and John, Ciara, and myself headed back home for a brief rest.
Supper was back to Sunway for dinner at the Tar Bush restaurant (Lebanese) and then it was back home for a movie and bed.
In between these activities I had quite a bit of work to do as the drive controller on my server back in Toronto is failing and I had to move my production server to a new machine.
Tonight we plan to take a cab into KL and have dinner at a revolving rooftop restaurant perched upon a CN tower clone. It should be fun. The McGraths are heading off to Putra Jaya, the capitol of Malaysia for a bit of site seeing.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Awaiting McGraths
We expect the McGrath family to arrive about 9:30 ish. The condo is clean, the fridge is filled with cold beer, the wine rack has 3 bottles of red (no white, oops) and the bar is stocked with rye, rum, and votka. It's all good, all we need is company.
Shelley and I caught a cab to Sunway Pyramid and had lunch at Starbucks. I then purchased a minimal tool kit for $25 ringgits as we needed a hammer. Shelley bought some more towels and then we headed for the post office to pick up Jaime's suit that she had custom made in Vietnam. It will be interesting to see if Shelley can resist opening it before Jaime arrives back on the 28th of October. Hey, that's only 11 days and Yams is back in town. It's just seems like more fun when your kids are around. Apparently Jaime is enjoying Australia immensely. Shelley checked and Ontario does have a reciprocal agreement with Australia for teacher training. That means Jaime can take her teacher education in Australia and be qualified for back home in Ontario.
I needed a hammer because Shelley had her batik paintings framed in Subang. Now she needs them hung. I would guess I have about 30 minutes before I hear "Jim ..."
Shelley and I caught a cab to Sunway Pyramid and had lunch at Starbucks. I then purchased a minimal tool kit for $25 ringgits as we needed a hammer. Shelley bought some more towels and then we headed for the post office to pick up Jaime's suit that she had custom made in Vietnam. It will be interesting to see if Shelley can resist opening it before Jaime arrives back on the 28th of October. Hey, that's only 11 days and Yams is back in town. It's just seems like more fun when your kids are around. Apparently Jaime is enjoying Australia immensely. Shelley checked and Ontario does have a reciprocal agreement with Australia for teacher training. That means Jaime can take her teacher education in Australia and be qualified for back home in Ontario.
I needed a hammer because Shelley had her batik paintings framed in Subang. Now she needs them hung. I would guess I have about 30 minutes before I hear "Jim ..."
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
TGIT (Thursday)
This week is a short week due to the Hindu holiday Deepavali. That means we have all day Friday to clean up and get groceries for the McGrath visit. Yesterday Amy rented a car as She and Michel are driving to the Cameron Highlands for a holiday on Friday morning. We took advantage of the car to go to Sunway Pyramid to load up on the essentials (food, toilet paper, beer, and wine). It was great having a vehicle to fetch the stuff with. We constantly chanted 'left, left, left' to assist Amy with keeping to the correct (not right) side of the road. Amy performed her duties admirably.
For some reason Shelley and I found it very difficult to get out of bed this morning. Must have been the shopping endomorphins from the previous night. A glass of wine and a little time for reflection sounds good for tonight.
This morning we are meeting with the principal of Taylor's IB school to see if there is anything we can do to assist him with a workshop he is planning for his teachers (Malaysians) to, for want of a better word, jazz up their lesson plans to engage their students. I would add a healthy dose of 21st Century Skills, project based learning (more doing, less listening) based on constructivist learning theory. The school is located in Sri Hartemus which is deep in expat country. It, apparently is a very nice area of KL so Shelley and I are looking forward to visiting that Taylor's campus.
The weather in KL has been wonderful. Very little rain and the humidity is around 50% rather than the 75+ % we experienced when we arrived in late June. I would guess we are in their Fall. Rumour has it that Ottawa was expecting flurries (as in snow) this week. Somehow, I am having problems envisioning what flurries look like :-)
For some reason Shelley and I found it very difficult to get out of bed this morning. Must have been the shopping endomorphins from the previous night. A glass of wine and a little time for reflection sounds good for tonight.
This morning we are meeting with the principal of Taylor's IB school to see if there is anything we can do to assist him with a workshop he is planning for his teachers (Malaysians) to, for want of a better word, jazz up their lesson plans to engage their students. I would add a healthy dose of 21st Century Skills, project based learning (more doing, less listening) based on constructivist learning theory. The school is located in Sri Hartemus which is deep in expat country. It, apparently is a very nice area of KL so Shelley and I are looking forward to visiting that Taylor's campus.
The weather in KL has been wonderful. Very little rain and the humidity is around 50% rather than the 75+ % we experienced when we arrived in late June. I would guess we are in their Fall. Rumour has it that Ottawa was expecting flurries (as in snow) this week. Somehow, I am having problems envisioning what flurries look like :-)
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
McGraths Coming to Visit
John, Jill, and Kira McGrath come to visit us this weekend. If you have been reading this blog from the beginning you will know that John was instrumental in our decision to teach abroad. John was at TORF (teaching Overseas Recruiting Fair) at Queens in early February and we commiserated over how young all the teachers were compared to us. We decided (over a beer) to head to Malaysia and John and Jill headed to Thailand (BangKok). This is our first opportunity to get together and compare notes on whether or not we made a good decision :-)
We will have to take the McGraths downtown in KL to the Petronas Towers and the high end super stores from all over the world. I think I will compile a list of them and put it up on this blog. We will also have to show them Chinatown and do some designer shopping at bargain prices. Then comes some supper and a drink in our bar in the clouds.
I am sure that John and Jill will want to see Taylors to compare notes. Of course that means lunch at the Asian Cafe as well. They may want to see a class in action as well. A trip to Sunway Pyramid and a burger at Carls is also in the works.
Today is test day for my classes. Last night, my volunteer group of 20 students started reviewing Lectora, an eLearning, ePortfolio class of program. Taylors is looking at purchasing the program to enable students to produce ePortfolios to take with them when they leave Taylors. An added advantage is teachers can use it to produce eContent for their own courses. If last night was any indication it appears that students will make good use of the program.
We will have to take the McGraths downtown in KL to the Petronas Towers and the high end super stores from all over the world. I think I will compile a list of them and put it up on this blog. We will also have to show them Chinatown and do some designer shopping at bargain prices. Then comes some supper and a drink in our bar in the clouds.
I am sure that John and Jill will want to see Taylors to compare notes. Of course that means lunch at the Asian Cafe as well. They may want to see a class in action as well. A trip to Sunway Pyramid and a burger at Carls is also in the works.
Today is test day for my classes. Last night, my volunteer group of 20 students started reviewing Lectora, an eLearning, ePortfolio class of program. Taylors is looking at purchasing the program to enable students to produce ePortfolios to take with them when they leave Taylors. An added advantage is teachers can use it to produce eContent for their own courses. If last night was any indication it appears that students will make good use of the program.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Another Day at the Office
It seemed liked another day at the office. Does that mean the sheen is wearing off or am I three months into the course with only 2 weeks off instead of a summer vacation. Who knows? I am a little tired as I worked pretty much the whole weekend so that could be it.
Jordan should be back in B.C. blissfully asleep waking up to Thanksgiving Monday. He seems to have misplaced a set of car keys while he was home which is not all that unusual for Jordan.
We heard from Jaime and she is enjoying Australia. She was to take a surfing lesson today so I hope a great white shark did not get her. She is in the surfing mecca of Byron Bay.
Jordan should be back in B.C. blissfully asleep waking up to Thanksgiving Monday. He seems to have misplaced a set of car keys while he was home which is not all that unusual for Jordan.
We heard from Jaime and she is enjoying Australia. She was to take a surfing lesson today so I hope a great white shark did not get her. She is in the surfing mecca of Byron Bay.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Where Did the Weekend Go?
I pretty well programmed all day Saturday and Sunday except for Sunday's Boulevard Thanksgiving Barbecue. Karen, Jim Leonard's wife, has an oven and she graciously agreed to cook the turkey. It starts at 5 pm today and I think most of Taylor's Canadian staff is coming to celebrate Canadian thanksgiving with a slice of Turkey.
Jordan arrived safely in Ottawa on Friday night. He leaves for Vancouver on Sunday at 6 pm so it is a bit of a whirlwind visit for him. Shelley managed to get his flight at Christmas changed from the 22nd to the 18th so he now arrives in Simgapore on the morning of the 20th. Shelley, Jaime, and I will fly there to meet him and then we will stay over the Saturday night to view the Christmas lights which are supposed to be fabulous. We will then fly back to KL for Christmas.
We also changed his return flight to the 6th of January so he flies back the same day as Jaime, but not the same flight. They will meet up in Vancouver on the 7th and Jaime will stay and visit for a couple of days as she has not seen Jordan's place or had very much time to explore the Vancouver area (only when she played basketball with Queens 3 years ago).
It's now 4:30 and I have 30 minutes to get dressed and organized for the barbecue.
Jordan arrived safely in Ottawa on Friday night. He leaves for Vancouver on Sunday at 6 pm so it is a bit of a whirlwind visit for him. Shelley managed to get his flight at Christmas changed from the 22nd to the 18th so he now arrives in Simgapore on the morning of the 20th. Shelley, Jaime, and I will fly there to meet him and then we will stay over the Saturday night to view the Christmas lights which are supposed to be fabulous. We will then fly back to KL for Christmas.
We also changed his return flight to the 6th of January so he flies back the same day as Jaime, but not the same flight. They will meet up in Vancouver on the 7th and Jaime will stay and visit for a couple of days as she has not seen Jordan's place or had very much time to explore the Vancouver area (only when she played basketball with Queens 3 years ago).
It's now 4:30 and I have 30 minutes to get dressed and organized for the barbecue.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Shelley and I are both looking forward to the weekend as we have nothing planned. Sometimes that is a good and necessary thing. We are in need of groceries and I personally have a couple of loads of laundry that need to get done. The mundane aspects of our lives sometimes have to take precedence.
I will also take the time to delve into my personal reading that was moved to the backshelf with Jaime's visit and a workshop that I had to plan. I also have some programming to do this weekend.
I will also take the time to delve into my personal reading that was moved to the backshelf with Jaime's visit and a workshop that I had to plan. I also have some programming to do this weekend.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Off to Aussieland
It was great to have dinner with Jaime and Shelagh as they awaited their flight to Australia. They seemed in great spirits as they approach the last leg of their Asian Odyssey. Perhaps it is because it will be an easy leg travelling in modern English speaking countries. Regardless, they were fun to be with as they departed Malaysia. Shelagh will find it difficult to head into the world of work with 2 weeks vacation a year. That's usually the routine until you build up some seniority in your chosen endeavour. At least she will have fond memories of her European and Asian adventures to get her through the 9-5 grind.
The limo to the airport was $55 ringgits and the cab back was $65 ringgitts. A word to the traveller arriving in the KL budget airport. Have Malaysian cash on hand. The only place to get the taxi coupon was when you entered the arrival area. Once you leave the arrival area (perhaps to visit an ATM) you can not get back into it to purchase a taxi coupon. Needless to say Shelley and I had a problem. Apparently nobody ever arrives at the airport and then decides to return from the airport without first taking off on a plane and then returning on another plane through the arrival area.
We could see the taxi coupon stand but could not get to it. We pleaded with the machine gun toting soldier to let us enter and he asked us all kinds of questions that were hard to answer such as where are your from (did he mean, where we are living, or where did we just arrive from) and where we were going (Subang Jaya, that was easy) and why were we at the airport (visiting our daughter) and where was she going? Eventually he let us in and escorted us to the taxi counter and we were on our way.
All in all it was a very busy day in Malaysia. We are both quite healthy and our enjoying our experiences.
One of the highlights of my day is to read the newspaper. It is always about Malaysia with very little information on what is happening in the rest of the world. It's a very insular read. I must sign onto the Ottawa Citizen website from time to time to get some news rather than opinions.
Todays lesson is on detecting palindromes: too hot to hoot
Are we not drawn onward to new era?
The limo to the airport was $55 ringgits and the cab back was $65 ringgitts. A word to the traveller arriving in the KL budget airport. Have Malaysian cash on hand. The only place to get the taxi coupon was when you entered the arrival area. Once you leave the arrival area (perhaps to visit an ATM) you can not get back into it to purchase a taxi coupon. Needless to say Shelley and I had a problem. Apparently nobody ever arrives at the airport and then decides to return from the airport without first taking off on a plane and then returning on another plane through the arrival area.
We could see the taxi coupon stand but could not get to it. We pleaded with the machine gun toting soldier to let us enter and he asked us all kinds of questions that were hard to answer such as where are your from (did he mean, where we are living, or where did we just arrive from) and where we were going (Subang Jaya, that was easy) and why were we at the airport (visiting our daughter) and where was she going? Eventually he let us in and escorted us to the taxi counter and we were on our way.
All in all it was a very busy day in Malaysia. We are both quite healthy and our enjoying our experiences.
One of the highlights of my day is to read the newspaper. It is always about Malaysia with very little information on what is happening in the rest of the world. It's a very insular read. I must sign onto the Ottawa Citizen website from time to time to get some news rather than opinions.
Todays lesson is on detecting palindromes: too hot to hoot
Are we not drawn onward to new era?
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Mixed up Wednesday
Today is one mixed up day. We have shortened periods as well as course selection day for next semester. We also have a staff meeting after school for an hour. Shelley and I then take a limo to the airport to meet up with Jaime for Supper before she heads off to Australia.
I talked with Jordan this morning and he booked his flight to Ottawa for Thanksgiving. He is looking forward to visiting his Nanny and his friends. I hope he has fun. I asked him to treat his air time aas library time and get some school work done. That is what business travellers and people like myself do. I figure 7 hour flight = 5 hours of work plus one movie. Hi Mac gets him 5 hours of battery life so he is good to go.
It's another beautiful sunny day here in Malaysia and the humidity is low again today. I must remember that we arrived in summer so the heat has dropped off a bit as we move into Fall. However, I plan to hit the pool on Christmas day and January 1st. Please be assured there will be lots of pics.
I talked with Jordan this morning and he booked his flight to Ottawa for Thanksgiving. He is looking forward to visiting his Nanny and his friends. I hope he has fun. I asked him to treat his air time aas library time and get some school work done. That is what business travellers and people like myself do. I figure 7 hour flight = 5 hours of work plus one movie. Hi Mac gets him 5 hours of battery life so he is good to go.
It's another beautiful sunny day here in Malaysia and the humidity is low again today. I must remember that we arrived in summer so the heat has dropped off a bit as we move into Fall. However, I plan to hit the pool on Christmas day and January 1st. Please be assured there will be lots of pics.
Contact with Jaime
We just had a phone call from Jaime who is currently travelling in Thailand and lo and behold she has been sick for 2 days with exactly the same symptoms as Shelley. It appears it may have been food poisoning as the timing is very suspicious. However we have not been able to pinpoint the food source and 4 of the six people did not get sick.
Tomorrow we catch a cab to the KL airport to meet up with Jaime and Shelagh to have dinner and give them some luggage we were holding for them.
Jordan looks like he will be heading home (Ottawa) for Thanksgiving. He wants to visit his Grandmother and visit with David and other friends. He will get in late Friday and leave on Sunday so he won't have much time for anything else.
Tomorrow we catch a cab to the KL airport to meet up with Jaime and Shelagh to have dinner and give them some luggage we were holding for them.
Jordan looks like he will be heading home (Ottawa) for Thanksgiving. He wants to visit his Grandmother and visit with David and other friends. He will get in late Friday and leave on Sunday so he won't have much time for anything else.
suteyad - Encryption Less
Tuesday is here and today's lesson is on encryption, one of my favourite topics. Shelley is home sick again. Hopefully she will feel well enough to take a taxi to get a medical certificate. It is a beautiful sunny day outside and not too humid for a change. I would guess 30 degrees.
I heard the good folks back in Ottawa have had two frosts already and it is weeks from Hallowe'en. I would normally be thinking about winterizing my motorcycle but I did that last June. Jordan would dearly love to have a motorcycle so I will try to get mine out to him for next summer.
Shelley just texted me and she is indeed heading off to the clinic for a doctor's certificate. Happy to hear she is on the mend. Other than that, not much happening.
We are meeting Jaime at the KL low cost terminal tomorrow for 90 minutes or so. She will jettison some baggage before her trip to Aussieland.
I heard the good folks back in Ottawa have had two frosts already and it is weeks from Hallowe'en. I would normally be thinking about winterizing my motorcycle but I did that last June. Jordan would dearly love to have a motorcycle so I will try to get mine out to him for next summer.
Shelley just texted me and she is indeed heading off to the clinic for a doctor's certificate. Happy to hear she is on the mend. Other than that, not much happening.
We are meeting Jaime at the KL low cost terminal tomorrow for 90 minutes or so. She will jettison some baggage before her trip to Aussieland.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Monday - 3 weeks and Jaime gets back!
Jordan had a great trip to Vancouver Island. He caught the ferry to Nanaimo, spent the night and then drove down to Victoria. He fell in love with Victoria, especially one British pub where he a Guinness or two.
We miss Jaime already and are counting the days until she gets back.
Shelley came down with some bug and had to miss a day of school. It looks like she will be off tomorrow as well. Head ache, sore neck, dizziness, vomiting, and diarrhea. All together, very unpleasant. She will have to get a doctor's certificate before going back to work as that is a national employment standard. Miss one day and off to the doctors you go. I figure it keeps the doctors busy and employed.
I myself am fine. Had 3 great classes today and the students are heavily engaged in their learning as they develop their computer games. I am not even sure they know they are learning as they are having so much fun.
Every now and again I hear from folks at the Board. I really enjoy it, so if you are reading this send me an email at my rogers account. If you don't know it, ask one of the chimps.
I am giving a presentation on 'student success' on Wednesday to Taylor's staff. Hazel would be proud of me. In 2 weeks time I also present to an international schools IB staff, Canadian teaching strategies for the classroom. Not sure I am the best one for that topic :-)
We miss Jaime already and are counting the days until she gets back.
Shelley came down with some bug and had to miss a day of school. It looks like she will be off tomorrow as well. Head ache, sore neck, dizziness, vomiting, and diarrhea. All together, very unpleasant. She will have to get a doctor's certificate before going back to work as that is a national employment standard. Miss one day and off to the doctors you go. I figure it keeps the doctors busy and employed.
I myself am fine. Had 3 great classes today and the students are heavily engaged in their learning as they develop their computer games. I am not even sure they know they are learning as they are having so much fun.
Every now and again I hear from folks at the Board. I really enjoy it, so if you are reading this send me an email at my rogers account. If you don't know it, ask one of the chimps.
I am giving a presentation on 'student success' on Wednesday to Taylor's staff. Hazel would be proud of me. In 2 weeks time I also present to an international schools IB staff, Canadian teaching strategies for the classroom. Not sure I am the best one for that topic :-)
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Jaime and Shelagh Depart for Thailand
We were up at 7:30 am this morning and the girls departed for Thailand at 9 am with a cab to the airport. Jaime comes back in 25 days so it was not too sad. They exxpect some rain because there is a major typhoon over the Phillipines which will impact on the Thai weather.
Jordan called us this morning and he is on a ferry to vancouver island with lauren to celebrate their one year aniversary of dating. Jordan was also going to view a motorcycle for sale in Nanaimo but it sold yesterday. That leaves them more time for site seeing in Victoria. Jordan quit his GNC job as it tied him up on the weekends and prevented him from doing the type of trip he is on right now.
The next 3 weeks is just Shelley and I and our students. I think we have a long weekend in there somewhere as well.
Jordan called us this morning and he is on a ferry to vancouver island with lauren to celebrate their one year aniversary of dating. Jordan was also going to view a motorcycle for sale in Nanaimo but it sold yesterday. That leaves them more time for site seeing in Victoria. Jordan quit his GNC job as it tied him up on the weekends and prevented him from doing the type of trip he is on right now.
The next 3 weeks is just Shelley and I and our students. I think we have a long weekend in there somewhere as well.
Saturday - a busy day
We were up early at 8 am and I cooked up the bacon and eggs for Jaime, Shelagh, and Shelley and they were great. We then ordered up a taxis and headed into KL. The first stop was the Petronas Twin Towers and a tour of the extreme shops (Gucci, Hermes, Prada, etc.) We needed a break and had some lattes and muffins at Starbucks.
We then took a cab to Little India in search of purse knockoffs. Turn out Little India did not have what Jaime was looking for. She did manage to pick up some sunglasses knockoffs. We then jumped in a cab down to China Town and it was knockoff city. Jaime eventually found the quality at the price she was willing to pay. I myself splurged on a Gucci knockoff belt.
We then had a beer and some dinner at an outdoor restaurant in China Town. We then caught a cab to the Pacific Regency hotel. By this time we had met up with Amy and Michel. Amy had convinced us we would really like this bar and she was correct. It was on the top floor and had a terrific view of the city. It was also beside a hug communication tower (like the CN tower). We arrived just in time to see four parachutists jump from the communications tower. Michel, Jaime, and I all had Strawberry Daiquiris which were great. Shelagh had a Pina Colada and Amy a glass of red wine. Shelley opted for something non alcoholic as usual. After 90 minutes we decided to catch a cab back to the condo for a night swim in the pool.
The swim was lots of fun with Shelagh winning all the swimming contests. Turns out she is part fish. We are now back in our apartment chowing back on cinabons and winding down. Jaime and Shelagh leave at 9 am to fly to Thailand for 4 days before heading off to Australia and New Zealand.
We then took a cab to Little India in search of purse knockoffs. Turn out Little India did not have what Jaime was looking for. She did manage to pick up some sunglasses knockoffs. We then jumped in a cab down to China Town and it was knockoff city. Jaime eventually found the quality at the price she was willing to pay. I myself splurged on a Gucci knockoff belt.
We then had a beer and some dinner at an outdoor restaurant in China Town. We then caught a cab to the Pacific Regency hotel. By this time we had met up with Amy and Michel. Amy had convinced us we would really like this bar and she was correct. It was on the top floor and had a terrific view of the city. It was also beside a hug communication tower (like the CN tower). We arrived just in time to see four parachutists jump from the communications tower. Michel, Jaime, and I all had Strawberry Daiquiris which were great. Shelagh had a Pina Colada and Amy a glass of red wine. Shelley opted for something non alcoholic as usual. After 90 minutes we decided to catch a cab back to the condo for a night swim in the pool.
The swim was lots of fun with Shelagh winning all the swimming contests. Turns out she is part fish. We are now back in our apartment chowing back on cinabons and winding down. Jaime and Shelagh leave at 9 am to fly to Thailand for 4 days before heading off to Australia and New Zealand.
Friday, October 2, 2009
TGIF and Tandori Chicken night
TGIF is typically our Tandori chicken night. We walk up to the Indian Curry House and indulge. Jaime and Shelagh offered to cook tonight but it would be a good experience for them to see where we normally eat out on a Friday night. It's an authentic learning experience :-)
Tomorrow morning is Canadian bacon and eggs and then we head into KL for a day of sightseeing. Petronas Towers, China Town, and a host of good bars and restaurants. Jaime and Shelagh are in search of designer purse knockoffs of which there will be shortage!
Hopefully the girls went for a swim and are well rested.
Tomorrow morning is Canadian bacon and eggs and then we head into KL for a day of sightseeing. Petronas Towers, China Town, and a host of good bars and restaurants. Jaime and Shelagh are in search of designer purse knockoffs of which there will be shortage!
Hopefully the girls went for a swim and are well rested.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Lunch with Jaime
Jaime and Shelagh joined Michel and I for lunch today at Starbucks. It was wonderful to hear many more stories of their travel to date. Michel was impressed by the two young ladies. It's real cool to see them travel in strange countries at their age. I certainly would not have done so.
Tonight we are heading off to Sunway Pyramid again for Carls Hamburgers. Jaime expressed the need for some more traditional North American fair and what princess wants, princess gets :-)
The two ladies walked home from Starbucks so it's my guess they went for a swim when they arrived back at the condo. No matter how slowly you walk, walking in the midday sun will make you break out in a sweat.
Shelley and I will of course catch the van home.
Tonight we are heading off to Sunway Pyramid again for Carls Hamburgers. Jaime expressed the need for some more traditional North American fair and what princess wants, princess gets :-)
The two ladies walked home from Starbucks so it's my guess they went for a swim when they arrived back at the condo. No matter how slowly you walk, walking in the midday sun will make you break out in a sweat.
Shelley and I will of course catch the van home.
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