Friday, March 15, 2013

Reverse Trek Starts Tomorrow

I fly out of Ottawa at about 6 pm tomorrow to Vancouver. I get in rather late so I won't get around to packing until Sunday. I will spend my last night in my Vancouver apartment on Sunday night and will commence my drive across Canada early Monday morning.

as usual, I will book nothing, rely solely on my GPS and head East on HWY 1. When I get tired, I stop, and when I get sleepy I stop for the day. I imagine it will take me 4 or 5 days to complete the drive. I hope the weather stays clear as it is early Spring and you can never count on the weather.

Coming West 2 Octobers ago I hit a bad blizzard around Lake Superior that took me about 90 mins to drive through.

I do not have any copilots as everyone wimped out on me :-( but I am looking forward to the drive nevertheless. At least there is only person to make happy ... ME.

I will post some pics along the way and keep you informed of my progress.



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