Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hump Day in Ottawa

I have been in Ottawa for 4 days now and I think my jet lag is done. The family is taking shifts at the hospital I seem to be gravitating towards the evening shift, 4-8 pm. Not much change in my Mother to report on, however, she appears to have stabilized somewhat. Her left side is still paralyzed and she sleeps a lot and manages to eat a pureed dinner when fed to her.

I have managed to avoid renting a car but that means I walk (45 mins) home after my shift. I can usually get a ride there from someone in the family.

I am looking forward to the CIS men's finals this weekend. I am going Friday night and Saturday, courtesy of Paul Cotton who offered me a ticket and some company. Much appreciated!

I have booked my flight to Vancouver on March 16th and will drive back across Canada for the next 4 days. That will complete the odyssey that started in the Fall of 2011 when I made the East-West portion of the trip. Someday, I will have to share the 18 month odyssey. It was quite a ride.

Once back in Ottawa, I will put my motorcycle up for sale. That will be a sad day, but I am not here enough to make use of it or justify the $1200 insurance a year.

I fly back to Bangkok on the 29th of March and will stay for 2-3 months. I am still undecided if I want to become a non resident or split my time between Bangkok and Ottawa. Brown and Fox think I should make Ottawa my home base. That is a decision I can put off for now.

I have been going through all my documents and memorabilia that I put in temporary storage at my Moms. The house will be put up for sale soon and I don't want to dump my stuff on anyone. I have well over $1,000 worth of basketball books. Anyone want to take up coaching basketball?

Guess I better get ready to go to the hospital,



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