Monday, April 23, 2012

Back in Malaysia

I am back in Malaysia for a week and feel good and back about it. Good, because I have some very fond memories of my time in Malaysia and I look forward to visiting my daughter Jaime who is teaching at Sunway College. Bad because I was only there for a couple of hours and a former spouse dissed me with an ugly eMail to welcome me back.

My time in Malaysia was life changing for me and I am not one to look in a rear view mirror. I was also a person who spent way too much time worrying about the future of the principal of CPU was just telling me a friend of his family just dropped dead of a heart attack at 30 years of age. I now spend much of my time living in the present and treating life as a merry-go-round where you only go around once. This brings me into conflict with many of my Thai friends who believe in reincarnation  and therefore not a second chance, but many chances at life.  They have a refreshing view of life and pretty well live in the present and are very similar to B.C.'s Potlatch Indians as they would give you there last dollar and would expect the same from you.

Then again we have North Americans, a me kind of culture, replete with 'dinks' (dual income, no kids) and similar 'taker', not 'giver' types. You only go around once, so who ever dies with the most toys wins. Substitute shoes, clothes, phones, cars, biggest house, whatever.

I think I have mentioned before that I have found the happiest people in the poorest countries.

Oops, have to head out for a beer and some eats, the present calls, TTYL,


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