Today is my last working day at Taylor's Canadian Pre University program. I have been assigned a new job, Head of Learning Technologies for Taylor's College and report directly to the president of the college. I start immediately after Chinese New Year holidays on Feb 9th. My major role will be promoting disruptive technologies in the classroom :-) The book below describes much of what I will be doing with all of Taylor's College (4 schools).

Those of you that know me well know that I can be quite disruptive and realize this job is perfect for me. This means I will more than likely be in Malaysia for another 2 years with trips back home every 6 months.
The other major news is Jaime (my daughter) attended TORF this past weekend and was offered and accepted a job teaching at Sunway College in their Canadian PreU program. This makes mom and dad very happy as she will be 20 minutes away from us :-)
I leave tomorrow to go island hopping in Thailand and Shelley is off for a week's rest in Tioman. Shelley has been quite sick with a virus and I had something similar but not to the extent Shelley had. We have nothing planned yet for march break but Hong Kong and Macau may happen.
Jordan is doing well at TWU and is in his last semester and is scheduled to graduate this Spring. He then plans to attend a faculty of education in September, preferably at UBC.
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